Genome control GenomeBookTM for all family members.
Knowing the clinical value of my genome analysis

The Genome Book gene test is suitable for anyone interested in learning about the sequence of their genome (the whole analysis of their genes), allowing access to a wide range of genetic information related to their health as well as that of children.
Knowing the clinical value of my genome analysis. By choosing this particular gene test, you have the opportunity to know if you are a carrier of inherited genetic disease transmissions. You will also be aware of the personal genetic risks associated with common diseases such as cardiovascular, oncological and neurodegenerative, etc. aiming at the prevention and proper management of your diseases.
Knowing my personalized gene profile regarding my response to my Medication, Vitamins and important nutrients.
Our response to Medication, Vitamins and important nutrients is determined by our genetic profile.
Knowing our personalized genetic profile and adopting a healthy lifestyle, you adjust an individualized medication dose with your doctor in case of illness, avoiding possible side effects, significantly improving the outcome of your medication and improving your nutritional interaction with your nutritionist.
Knowing my genome, protecting my offspring.
Carriers of mutations in serious genetic diseases are usually healthy people completely free of symptoms, where 80% of carriers do not know their genetic history.
However, they could pass it on to their offspring with considerable probability
Knowing that you could be a carrier of one of these genetic diseases, you could avoid passing them on to your future children.
The Genome Book gene test is indicated:
The Genome Book gene test allows you to make an appointment with a Medical Geneticist at Biogenea Pharmaceuticals Ltd. providing reputable genetic counseling and support before, during and after your gene analysis process as well as interpreting your results by contacting your doctor. The results forms are issued and signed in a short period of time (30 days) by the scientific manager, Director of the Clinical Laboratory, Dr. Nikolaos G. Grigoriadis, D Ph.D Medical Genetics.
The biological material of each donor is registered anonymously immediately upon receipt by the laboratories of Biogenea Pharmaceuticals Ltd and all your personal information remains confidential in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Authority.
The Clinical Laboratory of the Society of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Biogenea Pharmaceuticals Ltd is active in the fields of Clinical Genetics, Pharmacogenomics and Genetic Counseling, offering certified genetic analyzes within the European Union, in accordance with the International and ISO 900 and ISO: 15189. It is staffed by reputable pharmacogenetics staff with significant clinical and laboratory experience, ensuring the provision of valid and innovative genetic analyzes with certified clinical value.
(Reference: American College of Medical Genetics).